Getting Ready to Implement Lean

$1250 + GST

Have you just discovered the 10th wonder of the world:  Lean Thinking? Now all you just want to get it started in your business but haven't got a clue on where to start?  We have got your back.  This short course is designed to kick start business owners and leaders into a successful Lean implementation without the ongoing costs of consultants.

This is a three week short course of three half day workshops that take you through the basics of Lean Thinking:

  • Setting the foundations of a Lean culture

  • Tools, tools and more tools used in problem solving & process improvement

  • Are we doing ok? The use of business performance metrics in continuous improvement

  • Seeing the unseeable - The 8 Wastes of Lean - how does this work in your space

  • Being tidy but not as you think - The world of 5S and how it can transform your daily practices.

  • The role of you as the Lean Leader to maximise success

Because it is run over three weeks, it allows you to experiment and try out a few of the ideas from the sessions, then use the workshops to debrief, learn and improve.  You may even need to odd zoom or phone call to help out in between - that is OK too.

Here is some great news!! This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor at  

We are able to help you through this process to make it as simple as possible.


  • Business leaders & managers who are playing around with the idea of Lean but not ready for a full commitment of a consultant

  • Business leaders & managers who want to refresh their Lean practice & knowledge


Over the three weeks, participants will:

  • Understand the basics of Lean Leadership

  • Understanding how to create a Lean Culture

  • Basic use of problem solving and planning tools

  • Understand the role of performance metrics to drive a Lean culture

  • How to introduce tools, systems and processes into their business


Is there funding available?

This workshop is registered with the Regional Business Partner Network. To explore if your business is eligible for support, contact your local Regional Business Growth Advisor at

How many people are in each group?

It is anticipated that each cohort will be limited to between 3-6 participants.


Waikato Cohort

Workshop dates - 22nd October, 29th October, 5th November

8.30am - 12pm

Location: Waikato Innovation Park, Ruakura, Hamilton.


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