Kia Ora!!
As a Kiwi business owner, you probably already know the value of a relaxed approach. But what if I told you that a sprinkle of lean thinking can actually turbocharge your customer experience, without all the stress? That's right, chuck out the fancy suits and clipboards – ...
Creating the Vision for your business
March 12, 2023
If you have read the previous three blogs for 2023, it has taken you on a journey to explore the topic of Operational Excellence and understanding what this actually means. This is critical to be able to translate this into a clear decision to start a journey to establish a ...
What is the Role of the Business Leader in Operational Excellence?
February 16, 2023
It is one thing to understand what Operational Excellence is and the potential benefits by starting this journey. Also having a clear idea of the requirements and the preparation needed to achieve the desired results. But where is the leader or owner in all of this? Mo...
Clarity is Key to Culture
December 5, 2022
When I get asked what are the some of the most common issues that affect the performance of a small and medium business (SME) in New Zealand, the two of the most common challenges I respond are:
Lack of Clarity Culture of apathy (amongst others)
Luckily there are action...
Strategy and Tactics
November 23, 2021
Strategy and tactics - two critical elements of executing your plan and being a successful business. The great news is that one feeds into the other, they do and should relate to each other.
The strategy is your true north - the vision you, your leadership team and possibly ...
Control What You Can
September 29, 2021
The last two years have shown us all that the world, let alone the business environment is not a predictable place. This has always been the case but now it seems magnified to the extremes.
Owning and operating a business is hard enough, let alone in such an environmen...
What can Lego® Serious Play® be used for?
May 7, 2021
Lego® Serious Play® (LSP) enables individuals and teams to explore topics deeper and faster than many other methodologies. I went into some of the theory of how LSP works in a previous blog post.
So we know it works and why. But what type of scenarios or situat...
How Does LEGO Serious Play Work?
April 20, 2021
The simple answer to this question is easy. The process of a basic LEGO Serious Play (LSP) workshop follows the same pattern. A group is first asked an open ended question by a trained facilitator. Then each person responds by building a model that represents th...
The 3 questions you need to ask yourself about employee engagement.
February 22, 2021
I mention it a lot, talk about it and refer to it many times when I write about Business Improvement, implementing Lean programmes and Lego Serious Play. What is ‘it' - staff engagement.
It dominates the conversation many times because simply it is the make or break ...
How to start your ideas in 2021
January 14, 2021
You have just come back from a great break. You really did earn this one - last year really did take its toll on you. But that was so last year, now you are really looking forward to the opportunities you have. The enthusiasm is high, your picture of the en...
Lean ThinkingContinuous ImprovementLeadershipTeam EngagementBusiness improvementproductivityBetter BusinessSMEStrategic PlanningOperational ExcellenceLego Serious PlayTeam workProcess ImprovementBusiness PlanningPlanningPodcaststaff engagementcommunicationcultureemployee engagementLeader Standard WorkLeanBusiness AdvicemeasurementPerformanceStrategy Deployment8 WastesBook recommendationsBusiness ExcellenceBusiness GrowthchangeClarityCOVID-19 RecoveryCustomer experienceLearningNew ZealandSmart SMEteam performanceTrue NorthVisual management5SAccountabilityBetter BMB PodcastBusiness Assessmentchange managementcollaborationCOVID-19First Line LeadershipGembahoshin kanriLocal GovernmentLSPManagementMindsetnon utilised talentNZ BusinessOrganisasional VisionpeoplePreparationProblem SolvingProductivity ReportsprofitQualitySustainable growthSystemstea buildingTrainingWorkplace Culture