
Brick by Brick Podcast

Pilot Episode with Craig Oliver

This is the pilot episode of Brick by Brick.  In this episode I talk to Craig Oliver, business advisor and owner of Project HQ and O2E Business Academy.  Craig also hosts his own podcast - 'Talking Better Business'.  We cover some of the common challenges small business owners face when running a business and discuss some ideas on how they can over come the issues.  Topics range from business planning, creating your support network as a business owner and other practical issues.You can contact Craig at:

or his LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigolivernz/

You can contact Rob Bull at:
or on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-bull-leanthinker/

Brick by Brick aims not to be just another business podcast.  I have created it to support New Zealand small and medium businesses where we take on real challenges facing business owners.  I have always found is that talking through challenges facing the people who are directly involved, improvements, ideas are often found.  

Having a forum that allows real people to talk about real issues as it relates to productivity, growth, quality so that there is a sustainable solution, something real that they can implement straight away.  They could be from middle management, leadership - anyone.  Kind of the agony aunt, but for business.Having an informal discussion - using operational excellence and lean thinking to explore how businesses can become more profitable, more efficient, better businesses achieving goals faster. The conversations is based on a real problem and involves the person who presented it.  If not, I will bring in 1-2 other specialists to put their spin on the issue.

Click here to listen now on Spotify 


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