
Buzz Word Bingo

We're all playing, but is anyone winning?

As annoying as it is to hear the word ‘pivot’ used more often than in that episode of Friends with the couch, I do think that sometimes we have to take a moment and look at the language we are using. 

Is ‘shifting the paradigm’ really the best phrase we could use? Does ‘sustainability’ mean what we think it means to the people we are using it with?

Coaching is my jam, so let’s approach this issue like coaches. Here’s some questions that will guide you and your team through a buzzword-breakdown any time you want to check that you’re actually on the same page as the people you work with:

  • What is your individual definition of ‘best practice’?

  • How are we specifically displaying ‘synergy’ in this project?

  • What word or phrase could we use instead of ‘leverage’.

  • What do our customers expect from us when we say that we’re ‘change agents’?

If you really want to ‘unpack’ this some more, you’ll be thrilled to know that printable buzzword bingo cards are just a Google away. Download one, grab your co-workers, and get ready for a hilarious meeting (or a very short one).

Kate oxox


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